What is kefir and why it should be consumed every day

This fermented drink, creamy and easy to prepare at home, is an excellent probiotic that facilitates digestion and strengthens defenses. In Turkish, kefir means “blessing” and is a drink consumed for millennia in the Caucasus region. The granules with which milk and the resulting drink are fermented are called kefir. The pellets are used to ferment fresh … Read more

Maid-Rite Sliders

If you have no prior experience with the Maid-Rite sandwich, no matter. One bite of these and you’ll get the idea, which means that you’ll immediately fall in love. We’re not all lucky enough to live near a Maid-Rite, after all, so let me give you the run down — A Maid-Rite sandwich is a … Read more

Arizona Sunshine Lemon Pie

I love a blender recipe. Probably because the clean up is so darn easy. I’m sure for most of you clean up is the worst part about baking/cooking. It’s amazing the amount of dishes you have from one meal. So yeah, something that you make in the blender? I am all over that. I was scrolling … Read more

Sausage and Tortellini Soup

Wait until you taste this soup. This is one you will undoubtedly add to your favorite list of soup recipes, especially because it’s a 30-minute meal that’s got vegetables, protein, and pasta all in one bowl! You may scratch your head when you see that I’ve got hot sauce and mustard powder on the ingredients … Read more

Fail-Proof Egg Custard

I have always loved a good egg custard. Maybe because it reminds me of eggnog in solid form (anyone else think eggnog should be a year round thing, or is that just me?), or it could be the wave of nostalgia that washes over me with the first bite. Subtly sweet and oh-so silky, it’s … Read more