Dirty mop, the home trick to make it look new again in 5 minutes

Assuming laziness doesn’t lead us to clean the mop every time we’ve finished our cleaning cycle, sooner or later we’ll realize that the tool will also need a refresh.
The first step to making your mop look like new again is to soak it in a  bowl filled with clean water with a pinch of baking soda  . Leave it there for about a couple of hours, so the baking soda has time to take effect on the most stubborn stains. If you think it is not enough, you can also use a whitening cleanser.
Once this is done, and after being sure that we have done a good part of the work,  we can put the mop in the washing machine  . Depending on the type of plastic you find on the back, you can rely on a  high temperature  program , to be sure that any trace of dirt is removed.
Now comes the most delicate moment. It may seem like a paradox, but the  drying phase is the most important  . This is because a mop that dries too slowly and incorrectly can become fertile ground for the growth of mold and bacteria – at which point it should be thrown away.
The solution then is to untangle the strips of fabric in the best possible way and, if you have the possibility, leave  the mop in the sun  . A task that will surely be easier during the summer season. In the colder months, however, it is best to let it dry near a heat source, be it a stove or radiator.
Having followed the entire procedure perfectly, you will find that the mop will be practically back to how you found it once you opened the package, ready to keep you company for several more cleaning sessions.



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