We know that you too have repeatedly found yourself fighting with flies and cockroaches that enter through windows or doors, scaring and bothering you to no end. Are you looking for a  method to get rid of these disgusting tenants ?


With the technique that we are about to present to you, the tune will change: in less than 10 minutes you will have your house free of all types of insects . Ready to discover the secret? Well let’s get started. To make our recipe we need  two tablespoons of coffee  powder that you will pour into a bowl or a rather large container.

Add  three cloves  that, with their penetrating aroma, will tend to create a kind of barrier between your house and the insects.  Cover the cloves with another three tablespoons of coffee  powder and set our container aside for a moment.

At this point, take  a candle that you will cut in half  to leave the wick  that we will need to make our insect repellent. What do I do next? Take a steel spoon, one of those used in the kitchen, and with the lower part make a groove in the bowl where you have previously poured the coffee and cloves.

Now, in the hole you have created,  insert the wick of the candle and cover the base with the coffee  that you have at your disposal. Next, take more cloves and place them around the candle that you will have created in less than 5 minutes.

Our remedy is ready! What do you have to do now? Simply light the wick and wait a few seconds : smoke will begin to come out of your candle with a special smell that will keep insects such as flies and cockroaches away.

So below we explain how, in just a few minutes, you can make  a natural product  that will allow you to say goodbye to those annoying tenants. Do you see how simple and above all how fast?

However, we also have another remedy for you that will undoubtedly come in handy in these situations. In addition to the  coffee and clove candle technique , you can also use  baking soda and sugar . Here we explain how to make this other recipe that is just as effective.

Again, you will have to get a bowl in which  to mix  together,  in equal parts, baking soda and white sugar . Cockroaches, like flies, will be attracted to this sweet smell and taste and will end up ingesting the mixture, which is lethal for them.

This same recipe can also be made  by replacing the baking soda with sodium borate,  which is toxic to insects. Just be careful if you have children or pets because it could be dangerous if ingested.

Did you know that aromatic plants are also capable of repelling flies and cockroaches? Especially mint, bay leaf and garlic,  which have properties capable of scaring away these annoying and unpleasant insects.

The last natural remedy  that we present to you is  diatomaceous earth  which is used as a completely natural pesticide. It is made from the fossils of diatoms, unicellular algae. Get some of this powder and spread it in every corner of your house.

It is capable of scaring away insects  and even physically eliminating them, since it alters the keratin layer present in the

Tips to remove insects



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