Mango and Coconut Pudding: An Exotic and Refreshing Dessert

Step 1: Preparation of the Mango Mixture
  1. Peel and cut the mangoes into pieces. Place them in the blender and blend until you obtain a smooth puree.
  2. In a container, pour the mango puree and set aside.
Step 2: Preparation of the Coconut Mixture
  1. In a pot, heat the coconut milk over medium heat. Add the condensed milk and mix until completely combined.
  2. In a separate container, mix the almond milk with the unflavored gelatin. Bring this mixture to low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the gelatin mixture into the pot with the coconut milk and mix well.
Step 3: Assembling the Pudding
  1. In individual molds or a large container, pour a layer of the mango puree.
  2. On top of the mango puree, gently pour the coconut milk mixture.
  3. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or until the pudding is firm.
Decoration and Serving
Once the pudding is ready, you can sprinkle grated coconut on top to give it an even more exotic touch before serving.
If there is any leftover of this delicious pudding, you can keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of days, making sure to cover it properly to maintain its freshness.
Additional Tip
For a fun variation, you can add small pieces of mango to the pudding before refrigerating it for a more amazing texture when serving.
I hope you enjoy this exquisite Mango and Coconut Pudding! It is the perfect dessert to please your guests with tropical flavors. Don’t forget to share this recipe so that others can also enjoy this culinary experience!



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