Orchids, only if you water them like this, they last a lifetime: always lush

But not everyone knows that there is a secret to ensuring that this  plant  does not die immediately and remains alive for years and years. You must first make sure that its leaves are not rotten.

If this is the case, remove them and place a cotton pad soaked in water between one sheet and the  other  We will then take our plant and see if there are  any aerial roots  growing outside of the  pot.

If so, let’s make sure these can fit in another  large enough pot  or container filled with water and submerge our  plant  with the  previous pot  .

Orchids: how to keep them always lush

In this way, the  plant  and all the  roots  will absorb the  necessary water  and the  orchid  will continue to grow luxuriantly and spontaneously, blooming very large, colorful flowers.

When we see that the  water  is about to be consumed, in place of the container we put a saucer so that the  water  that is released can be changed periodically.

Only in this way can our  orchids  stay alive for a very long time and we can show them in our living rooms or wherever we want.



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