Pouring coffee grounds down the toilet solves one of the biggest bathroom problems

Is it a good idea to restore the contents of the filters, pods and handles of the espresso machine or coffee maker? The point in 10 questions.

Coffee grounds keep aphids away: True

Laurent Bourgeois, gardener, testifies: “We use it primarily on outdoor aromas that are very attractive to these creatures, such as wormwood and sage, especially the aurone or the lemon-scented arquebus (Artemisia abrotanum)        “ We sprinkle it on the surface at the base of the plant, at least 20 to 25 cm wide (the diameter of a plate) and 5 mm thick, to create a repellent mulch. It takes several months. We will then renew it.

Coffee grounds affect snails: True

Due to the rough consistency of the powder, which prevents it from flowing like wood ash. Consider this for your strawberries (another complementary solution: pine needles!). However, the trick is not foolproof. The pomace would also affect the flight path of ants and the attacks of carrot flies, mole crickets and wireworms.

Coffee grounds are safe for our pets: False

Caffeine is toxic to our four-legged friends. The value of 8c. Coffee would be enough to poison a cat or dog. Therefore, you should continue to be careful with your companions.

Coffee grounds are fertilizer: True/False

The pomace contains nitrogen, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. It is said to “fertilize the earth.” “It is not enough to fertilize the plants alone, but it provides interesting trace elements,” Laurent tells us.

Coffee grounds eliminate bad smells from toilets: True

It’s very simple: add five to six tablespoons of coffee grounds to one liter of warm water. Mix well, then pour the product into the toilet and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse!

This method eliminates all unpleasant odors that usually come from the toilet. To maintain the results, it is enough to do it every ten or twelve days.

Coffee grounds improve the soil: True

Brightens earthy blends. By incorporating the pomace into the ready-to-use soil of your planters and pots, you avoid the formation of a compact crust on the surface, which is compacted by subsequent watering. Thanks to the pomace, rain or irrigation water penetrates deeper, right into the heart of the clod of earth. Your plants will be better hydrated, more beautiful and more resistant to drought.

Calcareous plants love pomace: False

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