The tip for an impeccable floor: you will no longer have any stains to deplore.

By mixing these ingredients, you will obtain a household product that will allow you to obtain a stain-free floor.

We reveal to you the ingredients, which you can obtain at home, which will help you eliminate stains on your floor. Thanks to this very simple process, your floor will be like new again. Nobody thought it would be this easy.

Stains on the floor, an annoying problem

Anyone who has installed a new floor would like to keep it as clean and spotless as possible. But this is not always possible for various reasons.

The main ones are the dirt that accumulates on the tiles. This is why it is essential to remove any dirt from the floor of the house and clean it immediately. Certain substances that stain surfaces can in fact irreparably damage the material in question.

Pavimenti macchiati

Another reason is sunlight, which should never be direct, but filtered through windows, curtains and anything that can dim it in some way. You may have realized that if sunlight shines directly on an area of the ground, it can become lighter.

The accumulation of dust and dirt is another cause of stains on the floor, especially on the joints between tiles. It is therefore essential to clean the floor using a vacuum cleaner, water and detergent.

And it is precisely in this last phase that we want to intervene today, to explain how to make a natural product to clean the floor. This is an inexpensive and easy to prepare mixture that will be effective.

How to remove stains from the floor

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