Baking soda is the key to sparkling kitchen surfaces, but most use it wrong. Here’s the right way to use it

Baking Soda: The Key to Sparkling Kitchen Surfaces (But Most People Use It Wrong)

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is one of those household staples that most people don’t realize has nearly limitless cleaning potential. While we often think of it in the context of baking or science experiments (hello, volcanoes!), its true superpower is as an eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaner that can tackle even the most stubborn grime in your kitchen.

But here’s the catch—most people use it incorrectly, which means they’re not getting the full cleaning benefits. Whether it’s misapplying it or not allowing it enough time to work its magic, you’re missing out on a powerful cleaning tool if you aren’t using it right. But don’t worry; I’m here to show you the correct way to harness the full power of baking soda and get those kitchen surfaces sparkling like new.

The Right Way to Use Baking Soda for Sparkling Kitchen Surfaces
1. Preparation:
Clear the area you’re about to clean. Whether you’re tackling your stovetop, countertops, or sink, it’s important to remove all items surrounding the area. A clear workspace makes the cleaning process faster and more effective.

2. Create a Paste:
In a small bowl, mix baking soda with a small amount of water to form a thick paste. Aim for a consistency similar to frosting—thick enough to adhere to surfaces but not too dry. This paste is what you’ll be applying to the surfaces.

3. Application:
Generously apply the baking soda paste to the dirty surfaces using a soft cloth or sponge. For areas with tougher stains, let the paste sit for about 15–20 minutes. This step is key because it allows the baking soda to break down the grease, grime, and dirt.

4. Scrubbing:

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