Garlic, put it under your pillow: what happens while you sleep is unexpected

Fall asleep with a clove of garlic under your pillow: the benefits will be extraordinary for your entire body.
Garlic under the pillow
It may seem very strange and absurd but it is a method with multiple and unexpected benefits. Placing garlic cloves under the pillow can create miraculous effects on our body during the night. Don’t be scared by the bad reputation that garlic has because of its smell:  this time science agrees with the grandmothers’ methods. Studies reveal a very positive outlook for this food: it has beneficial properties both when ingested and when inhaled.
Many people are reluctant to use garlic in their dishes due to its strong smell. The fear is that of having bad breath and looking like people who pay little attention to personal hygiene. There are actually many ways to make the smell of garlic disappear  , and the benefits are too many to deprive yourself of this food. If you really don’t want to ingest it, keep it nearby at night, more precisely under your pillow. The effects will be felt immediately, let’s see them together.
What happens if you sleep with garlic under your pillow?
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